It was a privilege for the SRTC to participate in today's Shelton-Derby parade to honor those who served our country. Please look carefully at the signs attached to our float which give the service details of RTC members who are veterans or for RTC member relatives. All major services branches were covered and our service locations were world-wide, making our float a living history lesson! We are grateful for the opportunity to show our appreciation to our veterans in some... small way. Very special thanks to the following persons whose help was vital to making our float possible:
Special thanks to the following persons whose help was vital to make our float possible:
Bill DeFelice: providing the trailer for the float and driving the float during the parade (and to his grandchildren, Kerry and Matthew, who helped with our efforts this morning to cover the float with plastic and to decorate the vehicles)
Justin Sabatino: building the structure to hold the various banners and signs
Anne Gaydos: providing the graphic design for the main banner and the large signs hung on the front of each vehicle
Anthony Simonetti: decorating the float and decorating supplies
Daria Kosowsky: decorating the float
RTC members who participated were:
Joe DeFilippo
Cris Balamaci
Charlotte Madar (a special thanks for joining us today while back to visit family!)
John Anglace
Jay Francino-Quinn (provided a vehicle)
Stan Kudej
Gino Bonitatibus
Angel Cadena
Ginny Harger
Mark Harger (provided a vehicle)