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Please check back for the date,

time and location of the next

Shelton Republican Town Committee



Thank you.



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A Special Election will be held on Tuesday, February 25 to fill the vacant Connecticut State Senate seat for the 21st District and early voting is Thursday, February 20 through Sunday, February 23.

The endorsed Republican candidate is Jason Perillo, who currently serves as the Connecticut State Representative for the 113th District.

Perillo, 47, a lifelong Shelton resident, has been representing the 113th House District in Shelton since 2007, and currently serves on the government oversight, legislative management, public health and finance committees.

He has served as former chief of Echo Hose Ambulance in Shelton, where he’s been a volunteer since 1999.  Perillo has also served as a Shelton Alderman, as a member of the Shelton Planning and Zoning Commission and as a member of the Shelton Board of Apportionment and Taxation.  Perillo is married to his wife, Becky, and is the father to daughter, Lydia.

Perillo earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Georgetown University in 1999, a master’s degree in business administration from Boston College in 2005 and a master’s degree in public administration from Harvard University in 2007.  He works as a hospital executive at Silver Hill Hospital in Fairfield County.

Perillo said he wants to bring his experience and success serving Shelton in the legislature to the other towns in the 21st district.  “Working with local and state officials, we’ve brought in funds for economic development and infrastructure,” Perillo said.  ​“Those successes lead to affordability, which is important to everyone, especially seniors.  I would like to take my legislative success and build on it to benefit the residents of Seymour, Monroe and Stratford.  I work very well with local officials in those towns and together we can do great things.  I’m born and raised in the Valley.  So, I’m very plugged in on the issues that matter to our towns.”

Perillo’s Top 3 Issues Facing Connecticut

1.  Electricity Costs:  “We need to drastically roll back the ​“public benefit” charge on our utility bills.  The cost of electricity is high enough in Connecticut.  We can’t afford additional government-imposed fees.  I am currently sponsoring legislation that would do this.”

2.  Affordability:  “First, we need to roll back state income taxes on social security and pension benefits.  I have already begun the process of working on this in Hartford.  Second, any additional state spending should be directed at lowering local property taxes.  This can be done if the state properly pays for the cost of special education services in our schools.”

3.  State Aid For Economic Development:  “This is true in all four towns within the district.  One example that comes to mind is the Waterbury branch of the New Haven rail line.  Improvements along the line could have tremendous positive impact throughout the Valley but it cannot be at the expense of parking in downtown Seymour.  I’ve worked with the governor’s office on similar infrastructure challenges and I would continue to do so.”


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Welcome to the Shelton Republican Town Committee's website.  Please look through the various pages to become more acquainted with our Republican Town Committee, its activities and our local, state and federal Republican elected officials.


When it comes to what the Republican Party stands for, the Platform of the Republican National Party says it best, which Shelton’s Republican Party and administration supports:


“Republicans believe in liberty, economic prosperity, preserving American values and traditions, and restoring the American dream for every citizen of this great nation.  As a party, we support policies that seek to achieve those goals.


Our platform is centered on stimulating economic growth for all Americans, protecting constitutionally-guaranteed freedoms, ensuring the integrity of all elections, and maintaining our national security.  We are working to preserve America's greatness for our children, grandchildren and future generations.


The Republican Party's legacy -- we were originally founded in 1854 for the purpose of ending slavery -- compels us to patriotically defend America's values.  As the left attempts to destroy what makes America great, the Republican Party is standing in the breach to defend our nation and way of life.”


On Monday, January 20, 2025, Shelton and our great nation were empowered to continue those principles with the inauguration of Donald J. Trump as the 47th President.


President Trump and his approach to governing are similar to the one that has been followed by our 17-term Mayor, Mark Lauretti, since he was first elected in 1991.  Right from the beginning, Mayor Lauretti instituted common-sense solutions to correct problems that existed in our city at the time of his election by recruiting solid, self-motivated persons, like himself, to listen to residents and business owners.  Those efforts have resulted in a safe community with a thriving business environment, an excellent school system, and numerous recreational opportunities.


In 2025, Shelton will experience three separate and critical elections.  The first is a special election on Tuesday, February 25 to fill the recently vacated 21st District State Senatorial Seat, which has been a Republican seat since 1967.  Shelton native and long-time 113th District State Representative, Jason Perillo, was chosen by delegates from the 21st District towns (Shelton, Monroe, Stratford and Seymour), to be the endorsed Republican candidate in this special election.  We encourage registered Republican voters in the four District towns to plan on voting on February 25 for Jason for him to be triumphant in his bid for the State Senate seat.


The second election is contingent upon Jason winning the 21st District Senate seat.  If Jason is elected to the seat, a vacancy in the seat he currently holds in the Conn. House of Representatives (113th District) will occur and a special election will be called by Governor Lamont (to be held most likely this May) and the special election process will repeat.  Members of the SRTC residing in the 113th District will be responsible for seeking and nominating a candidate.


Our third -- and extremely important – election is November 4 when Shelton’s Municipal Election will be held.  The SRTC will be putting forward a slate of candidates who can and will support Mayor Lauretti and his administration in their efforts to preserve and to continue providing low taxes and balanced grown throughout our municipality and to be the voice of Shelton citizens.


Finally, our municipality would not be as successful as if it were not for the number of citizens who step forward to serve as elected officials and as appointed members of City boards and commissions.  To our great dismay, Shelton recently lost one of its most dedicated citizens with the passing of Ken Nappi.  Not only was Ken a long-time member of the SRTC who served as its Vice Chairman over the last 18 years, Ken was a loving husband to his late wife, a devoted father to his son and daughter, and a caring grandfather to his two granddaughters.  Ken served with the Shelton and Woodbridge police departments, worked as an administrator in the state MV dept., in both the P & Z and school transportation depts. and was a member of the Inland-Wetlands Commission.  Ken was a mentor to many as well and was often sought out to provide counsel and advice.  We extend our sincere condolences and prayers to his family and friends.


Anthony F. Simonetti, Chairman

Shelton Republican Town Committee

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